Friday, July 10, 2009


I like having 2 cars on the road - it's great! I get to have fun and pick the appropriate vehicle for whatever I feel like doing. The Commer is great for shifting big stuff, taking the kids to places they have to be and cruising around in the rain (oh, and camping too...), Molly is great for everything else (including searching West Lothian for classic cars).

The problem - of course you guessed there would be a problem - is there is twice as many things to go wrong. Now I don't want to sound like I'm whingeing, with great cars, comes great responsibility. Molly has been great, a few things were loose (like the wipers, and the main electrical connection to the things which are on when the ignition is on), but I've come to expect that. I've also fitted a voltage regulator and a temperature gauge - worth having.

The Commer on the other hand has been rather more annoying. Everytime I want to go for a drive, the battery is flat. So it's been a diagnosis process - was the battery being drained or is the battery dead? I'll let you know...

The other thing I've been up to is refurbing the trailer. Its half way through and looking pretty nice. Bit of a problem with the bearings though. I got myself a new set and they're not quite long enough. Bum....

By the way sorry about the lack of posts - been on holiday. We went to Fuerteventura, and frankly dear reader, don't bother. Its hot (too hot) and there are no classic cars. Modern cars seem to fall apart under the sun and sandstorms. Avoid.

We managed to loose the camera (some ring tailed lemurs were to blame) so no pics for a while - sorry.

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