Saturday, November 29, 2003

Well yesterday saw the first blat around the lanes for a few months, and what jolly good fun it was! Except for the rain... and lack of wipers... the usual wiggling of wires and reving of the engine gave no joy, so I investigated further and found that the motor was completly dead - not nothing - even when connected straight up to the battery. So I took it off for further investigation.

After a few hours of playing and cleaning and working out that the later motor I had some bits for would not fit, I gave up and turned my attention to the inner wing that had been revealed by taking the motor off. What a mess! It had been repaired very badly in the past (OK I admit it - it was me - I was young and foolish and needed a daily driver) and the inner wing to flitch strengther was badly bent and rusty too (ok me again - mental note - don't lower your minor on standard torsion bars)

Well at least I won't be bored this winter


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