Friday, April 24, 2009

its all about scale...

repair work on the door has moved along nicely - still plenty to do though..

In other news, I won a bench drill on ebay at a good price. Can anyone spot the slight problem?

Yes - its massive! Infact its so big, I can't fit it on the bench. It would hit the roof! Saying that there are worse things that could happen though. I am just going to have to get a bigger workshop now!
In other news, Jessica got herself a set of halogen headlights. Can you tell?

Monday, April 20, 2009

Let battle commence

so the chop chop weld weld fest begins...

holes everywhere!

the left side - what it should look like...


Gotta get the doors done too. This is what they'll look like when they're done...

Monday, April 13, 2009

Picking up the pieces

After the big Commer weekend, tonight it was time to work out what to do next. Well Jessica won the Commer Van Fan distance award (again!) and narrowly missed out on the Shed award (due to there being no trophy!) so I have been inspired (again!) to do some prettificaiton.

Before that though there is the little matter of the MOT. There were a few advisories last year which didn't get any attention so they need to get sorted and a couple of other wooly bits that need sorting too. So tonight it was all change at little yellow towers. Molly has now made it to the front of the drive so she can get some attention (the brakes need sorting - as I found out!). And Jessica had her driver's door removed in rediness for the door step and door repair.

Molly takes poll position

Jessica pretends to have sliding doors

Wooly door bottoms

free screwdriver!

Welcome Commer Van Fan Clan!

Bin a little quiet recently I know - sorry. We've been rather busy at work and I've been bussily preparing Jessica for the big Commer Van Fan Midlands meet. Which was last weekend so here are some pics!

We took off on Thursday night and stopped off at Carlisle, it gave us a chance to shake down the van and take it easy on the long long drive.

seasoned campers

midnight feast

We got to Yoxall in plenty of time and met up with Panky, Chris and Tim. Bit drizzly, but that wasn't going to stop us. First night fish and chips went down well.

On the Saturday lots more CommerVanFans turned up as did the sun!

family, barbecue and sunshine - what more could you want?

Easter egg hunter

icecream seller

Jessica showing herself up again

the road home